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Requirement of Submission

  1. Poster size: Height 150 cm X Width 90 cm. Please print your poster within the size limitation and bring it to the conference. 

  2. ​The conference accepts oral presentations, posters, and symposiums. The organizer of a symposium should collect presenters' abstract in one file and submit. Submitting separately by each presenter in a symposium is not allowed.

  3. Font size:
    Title: 14; Author's name, affiliation and content
    : 12

  4. Font:
    Use Times New Roman in English and PMingLiU(新細明體) in Chinese

  5. Border:
    Standard border in Word

  6. Content:
    The abstract should include the title, authors, affiliations, content, and keywords. The content should include the research background, the research goal, methods, results, and conclusions. Please include your keywords in the content to emphasize your research topic. There should be no more than 5 keywords.

  7. Other requirement:
    Single space. The abstract should be within 500 words. Using * to indicate the presenter's name

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