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​Keynote Speech

CTO-Dr Tei-Wei Kuo(Official).png

Tei-Wei Kuo

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University

Beyond Algorithms, Beyond Machines…


​10/26(Sat) ,9:00-10:00



Amanda Clinton

APA’s Office of

International Affairs

Children and Digitalization:

Psychological Science and Organizational Responses



Yeh profile_edit.jpg

Su-Ling Yeh

Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University

What's unique about human beings in the age of AI



錨點 1

10/26 (Sat.) 09:00-10:00
Keynote Speech (1)
 Beyond Algorithms, Beyond Machines…
Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo


In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the integration of advanced algorithms and sophisticated machinery has paved the way for groundbreaking innovations. In this keynote speech, Dr. Kuo will explore the transformative potential of algorithms and machines in reshaping human-AI co-existence.


Foundation Models and Expert Systems

Foundation models, built on vast datasets and advanced algorithms, can be fine-tuned with domain-specific knowledge to create powerful expert systems. These AI-powered systems enhance decision-making across various fields by providing precise, data-driven insights, making specialized knowledge accessible and scalable.


Bridging the Virtual and Physical Worlds

The integration of AI with physical machinery, such as robots, AGV and manufacturing machines, creates a seamless connection between the virtual and physical realms and marks the next frontier. The key breakthrough is interacting with these machines in a natural way, democratizing access to technology and enabling intuitive human-machine communication. This opens up possibilities for enhanced productivity and innovative applications.


Co-existence and Collaboration

The fusion of advanced algorithms, domain expertise, and sophisticated machinery heralds a new era of human-machine co-existence. Embracing this synergy will unlock collaborative intelligence, enhancing human capabilities and fostering a harmonious future where technology and humanity thrive together.

UNICEF defines digitalization as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that safely empower children and youth in a technology-oriented world. Increasingly, youngsters play, socialize, study and learn, and participate in community activities on screens, mandating a degree of digital literacy. Questions abound about the impacts of technology on school-aged youth on social-emotional development, overall health and well-being, and knowledge and skill acquisition. This presentation provides a summary of research to date on digitalization and child development. In conclusion, discussion examines efforts by psychology to disseminate and apply relevant psychological science to parents, educators and policymakers in order to promote positive, effective use of technology during childhood.

10/27 (Sun.) 09:00-10:00
Keynote Speech (2) Children and Digitalization: Psychological Science and Organizational Responses
Dr. Amanda Clinton


The technological revolution brought about by the current wave of AI has dramatically changed human life and cognition. In addition to feeling bewildered about the future, experiencing information anxiety, and worrying about job displacement, people may also become overly dependent on technology, leading to decreased focus and autonomy, as well as feelings of loneliness and alienation.

The development of AI originates from mimicking human thought processes, initially aimed at solving problems that could only be addressed by human intelligence. Its history is closely related to the evolution of psychology. The behaviorism theory of the 1920s emphasized that research should only focus on the relationship between stimulus and response, and Turing's Turing Test also adhered to this principle. Modern machine learning algorithms train models using big data and output labels, ignoring intermediate processes, which is similar to behaviorism. However, the cognitive revolution overturned behaviorism and sparked interest in the in-depth study of mental processes. Similarly, "explainable AI" has become a current trend in AI development.

AI has already surpassed humans in some specific fields, and the future direction is towards general artificial intelligence, aiming to more comprehensively mimic humans. Whether AI can reach the level of the human mind still requires the attention of psychologists. Humans possess consciousness that AI cannot attain, particularly the first-person phenomenological consciousness of subjective experience. The issue of consciousness is broad and complex, and academic understanding of it remains incomplete. However, exploring whether AI can achieve human-like conscious experiences is an important topic.

Neglecting the body and environment and focusing solely on the brain may make the thought experiment of the brain in a vat by philosophers a reality in AI systems. In the AI era, it is even more crucial to cultivate a humanistic spirit that includes experience and care, understanding and valuing human uniqueness. This is key to enhancing human well-being.

10/27 (Sun.) 13:15-14:15
Keynote Speech (3) What's Unique about Human Beings in the Age of AI
Prof. Su-Ling Yeh

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