Keynote Speakers
Prof. Heejung Kim
Heejung Kim教授目前任職於加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校心理與腦科學研究所,博士班畢業於
Kim教授的心理學研究橫跨文化、社會、環境等議題,也發表許多重要研究在許多知名期刊,如: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology、Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin、Current Opinion in Psychology。除了豐富研究成果,Kim教授是許多國際知名期刊副編輯,也撰寫社會心理學教科書,顯示出Kim教授在文化與社會心理學領域的重要影響力。
陳淑惠 特聘教授
謝淑蘭 講座教授
謝淑蘭教授的研究成果也非常優秀,發表在許多國際知名期刊,包括: Psychonomic Bulletin and Review、Cerebral Cortex、Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition、Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience。謝教授更進一步把研究拓展到老化和臨床領域,研究成果也十分亮眼。除此之外,謝教授也擔任許多國際期刊的副主編,謝教授曾榮獲成大傑出研究獎、科技部傑出研究獎、科技部未來科技突破獎等殊榮。
吳佳煇 教授
經驗與人格發展,及主觀幸福感等。2013 年,吳教授在西澳大學獲得其博士學位,於畢業後隨即在
而到目前為止,已經發表 100 餘篇論文與書籍之研究著作,他的研究著作發表在像是 Academy of Management Journal 、 Journal of Applied Psychology 、 Journal of Management 、 Personnel Psychology、Journal of Organizational Behavior 等優秀期刊上。除此之外,吳教授並擔任多個期刊的編輯,如: Human Relations、Journal of Business and Psychology、Journal of Business Research,特別是在管理雜誌(Journal of Management)擔任副編輯,這個期刊涵蓋了管理各個方面以及工業和組織心理學相關領域的研究。吳教授研究成果分別獲得中華民國行政院教育部體育署 107~110年度運動科學研究及發展甲等及佳作獎勵,並獲邀在無數重要會議中演講
Relationships are at the center of human social environment, and their quality and longevity are widely recognized to have particular relevance for health and well-being. Yet, what a “good relationship” looks like differs across cultures, depending on how cultures prioritize personal or relational/collective goals. My research uncovered that there are noticeable differences across cultures in how people engage their social relationship. For example, Asians engage their relationships with more caution than European Americans. This difference, in turn, influences individuals’ assessment of potential costs and benefits of many everyday decisions, such as seeking and providing social support. Asians are more reluctant to explicitly ask for support from close others than are European Americans because they are more concerned about the potentially negative relational consequences of such behaviors. We also found that Asians are more likely to use and benefit from forms of support that do not involve explicit disclosure of personal stressful events and feelings of distress. Taken together, this program of research identifies culture-specific ways in which social support use and provision promote psychological and biological health and strengthen social relationships.
10/15 (Sat.) 09:20-10:20
主題演講(一)Culture Resilience (Prof. Heejung Kim)
Culture and Social Support: Implications for Health and Well-being
Psychological resilience has been explored in psychology, especially in developmental psychology and psychotraumatology for years. Recently, it attracts unexpectedly more attention in research and practice. However, it is yet to be conclusive regarding the role of psychological resilience in related to psychological adjustment in general and psychological distress such like depression and PTSD in specific. What's more, research puzzles around psychological resilience in the pathways to psychological health seem to arise far more than conclusions. In my presentation, I will start with a brief narrative history on its definition and associated calibration of research approaches. In that, I will demonstrate its roles as predisposition, moderator/mediator, and outcome with some extant studies including ours on traumas like burn, earthquake, and COVID-19 as well as on experiences during human-robot conversations and disease adjustment. Some thoughts about the challenges in research with psychological resilience and suggestions to cross the hurdles in future empirical study will be addressed. Finally, in a hope to broaden our professional contributions in Taiwan, I would also like to share some thoughts about expansion of research topics with psychological resilience, and so as applications in practice.
10/15 (Sat.) 10:20-11:20
主題演講(二)Psychological Resilience (陳淑惠 特聘教授)
Psychological Resilience: Pedestal, Stepping Stone, or Destination in the Pathway to Psychological Health?
心理韌性係指個體面對重大逆境的復原力,個體經歷人生創傷並捲土重來,安適如常的能力。因此,心理韌性對於因身心壓力誘發之精神疾病成因、預防及治療扮演著至關重要的角色,也對於個體老化過程中在面臨身體機能衰退的重大壓力情況下,能夠成功的調適並提升認知與腦的韌性扮演重要的角色。成功的人,不是不失敗,而是不論成功或失敗,都能保持心理韌性,讓人有明確的努力目標,有行動的貫徹力與自制力,能快速降低生活遭遇的負面性,並因此獲得個人成就與身心健康。近期心理韌性議題在國際間逐漸獲高度重視,歐盟研究委員會於2018年斥資180萬歐元啟動五年期計畫以動態模型研究心理韌性,而國際世界衛生組織的健康2020 (Health 2020) 與聯合國的永續發展目標則連續兩年(2017-2018)都將建立從個人到社區的心理韌性列為主要目標,雖然這類議題在已在國際間開展,但是尚無從腦部機制到以實證證據為基礎的介入研究,因此運用腦科學來探討心理韌性,實屬先驅研究。本演講擬結合心理學與神經生物科學的研究面向討論心理韌性如何調節老化過程與心理健康,並介紹各種新進的強化韌性的介入方案。
10/16 (Sun.) 08:50-09:50
主題演講(三)Brain Resilience (謝淑蘭 講座教授)
組織韌性可理解為組織在面對突發性中斷的情境時,持續生存與發展的能力。然而,組織要如何才能積累與有效發揮組織韌性的能力呢? 本報告從人力資本的角度出發,著眼於中小型企業如何可以採用高績效人力資源系統提升人力資本的價值與多樣性,進而提升組織韌性力,並且探究高階管理團隊對於組織韌性力能否提升組織績效所扮演的角色。本報告奠基於最新的研究結果,包括測量與釐清組織韌性的概念以及採用中小型企業樣本檢驗研究模型,企圖勾勒組織韌性的概念、前因與效果。