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Oral presentation sessions

  • Time for a oral presentation is 12 mins maximum. Each session is 90-min long. 

  • ​Only titles and presenters are shown in the list below. Please refer the official conference program for full abstracts and authors' information

10/18 (Sun)


​Session A

2-A. Psychological people's social contribution

(First Conference Room)

​Host : Wu Zhiwen

  • Tan Huilan, Director of Pupa Zhisheng Psychological Counseling Center

  • Zhou Yetai, group leader of the National Taiwan Normal University Psychological Testing Center

  • Su Shuhua, Chief Operating Officer of Psychological Capital Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

Session B

2-B. Self, interpersonal and morality

(Second meeting room)

Moderator:   Zhuo Shuling

  • The relationship between shyness, ability to be alone, and physical and mental health  Presented by: Liwen Wu

  • A study on the relationship between moral alienation and bullying and bystander behavior among elementary and middle school students  Reporter: He Peixuan

  • Research on the Influence of Moral Foundation Theory on Female Empowerment Advertising: Using Patriarchal Beliefs as Mediating Variables  Reporter: Chen Yujun

  • National Identity Displayed by Taiwanese under the COVID-19 Epidemic  Reporter: Chen Yizhao

  • Multi-level model analysis of self-efficacy, learning interest, class emotional atmosphere and differentiated teaching on the scientific literacy of Taiwanese 15-year-old students  Reporter: Zhang Xiaozhu

  • The taste of interpersonal relationships: the mood on the tip of the tongue  Reporter: Su Yuru

Session C

2 -C. Chinese Journal of Psychology Paper Award and Yang Guoshu Paper Award Speech

Moderator:   Jiang Dingyu

  • Optimal Design in Computerized Adaptive Testing  Reported by: Junhong Chen

  • Understanding Interpersonal Pressure - Phenomenon Description and Verification of Chinese Workplace  Reporter: Gao Fengxia

  • Positive Social Emotion: Some Advances  Reporter: Zhang Yanping

10/18 (Sun)


Scene D

2-D. Special topic: Evaluation and application of positive advantage ability in teaching field and interaction

(First meeting room)

​Creator : Chen Xuezhi

  • The effect of executive function training integrated into the Mandarin curriculum on the executive function and creative thinking of elementary school children  Reporter: You Mengyan

  • The influence of humor integration into writing teaching on middle school students' sense of humor and composition performance  Reporter: Guo Yanhan

  • A cross-level analysis of the influence of playfulness on creative teaching behavior and subjective well-being of kindergarten education and security service personnel with organizational-level playfulness as a moderator  Reporter: Wang Haoyun

  • Humorous style and creative personality of senior elementary school students—with optimistic interpretation style as the mediating variable  Reporter: Huang Shiyuan

  • The relationship between ridicule style and school bullying experience in senior elementary school children—with creativity tendency as a mediating variable  Reporter: Zhang Jiayue

  • Association between self- and spouse-reported humor styles and marital satisfaction in marital relationships

Session E

2 - E. Positive psychology and intervention program

(Second meeting room)

Moderator:   Chen Bolin

  • Research on the relationship between mindfulness, resilience, emotion regulation and mental health in adults  Reporter: Lin Hongnan

  • The learning effect of the heart-oriented curriculum for middle school students  Reporter: Ding Yushan

  • The effect of developing the "Three Good Things" mobile APP  Reporter: Cai Jialing

  • Social Emotional Learning in the Early Years: What, Why, How? Translating and Applying the COPE-Resilience Program in Taiwan  Presented by: Wu Yixuan

  • Post-design analysis of the effect of Taiwan's horticultural healing program  Reporters: Xie Yongqi, Chen Bolin

  • Robustness of non-overlapping effect size indicators for data trends in a single case study  Reporter: Huang Renqing

Scene F

2 -F. Yang Guoshu, Su Xiangyu Paper Award Lectures

(third meeting room)

​Host :  Ye Guanghui

  • Neighborhood effects in Chinese character/word recognition: Going beyond phonological perspectives to explain possible cognitive mechanisms  Reporter:  Li Mengfeng

  • The Unspoken Rules of Chinese Society: Inconsistency and Violation of Yang and Yin

  • The functional roles of the left posterior parietal cortex in episodic retrieval: EEG, MEG, and tDCS studies Reporter: Chen Naifeng

  • Sleep or not? Exploring the underlying mechanism and impact of the differences in sleep patterns between week and weekend

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